NFAS Information

The National Feedlot Accreditation Scheme (NFAS) is an independently audited quality assurance scheme that was initiated by ALFA and is managed by the Feedlot Industry Accreditation Committee

NFAS Purpose

To provide a Quality System for beef feedlots:

(a) that will impact positively on product integrity, quality and acceptability; and
(b) for which lot feeders maintain responsibility.

NFAS Mission

To ensure the Australian beef feedlot industry demonstrates a responsive feedlot management program for continual improvement, particularly in relation to cattle welfare and the environment, whilst guaranteeing the safety and integrity of grain fed beef.

NFAS Administration

AUS-MEAT administers the scheme through the Feedlot Industry Accreditation Committee (FLIAC).

This Committee has the following responsibilities:

  • manage the NFAS;
  • ensure the effective operation of the NFAS by recommending changes to it;
  • assesses recommendations from AUS-MEAT on the accreditation status of individual feedlots;
  • make recommendations to the AUS-MEAT Committee on the outcomes of appeals from Feedlots relevant to their Accreditation status; and
  • report to the wider community on the status of the Australian feedlot industry based on objective information generated from monitoring of the scheme.

Organisations represented in the FLIAC are:

  • AUS-MEAT Limited
  • Australian Lot Feeders Association (ALFA)
  • New South Wales Department of Primary Industries (NSW DPI)
  • Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF)
  • Agriculture Victoria, Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions
  • Western Australian Department of Primary Industry and Regional Development (DPIRD)


ALFA is the peak national body for the Australian cattle feedlot industry.

Whilst ALFA has two representatives on the seven member Feedlot Industry Accreditation Committee (FLIAC) that oversees NFAS, it does not own, operate or manage the program. This is undertaken by AUS-MEAT on behalf of the cattle lot feeding industry. Moreover, NFAS Accreditation is not synonymous with ALFA membership.

Therefore, lot feeders who are NFAS Accredited need to separately become an ALFA member to receive the benefits that membership provides, which in addition to the above, includes discounts to its conferences and workshops. Please visit ALFA’s website for more details.

Accreditation Fees

An initial up-front Accreditation fee is paid to AUS-MEAT Limited as part of the NFAS application and QA Manual review process. The Accreditation fee is based on the capacity of the feedlot.

Following accreditation, Feedlots are required to pay an upfront pro rata accreditation fee. This accreditation fee is payable on 1 July annually,. However, this charge is currently being funded through grain fed levies.

Feedlot Auditing

NFAS Accredited feedlots are audited annually by AUS-MEAT Limited at a socialized rate which is based on actual audit time. Audit duration varies depending on a number of factors. These factors include but are not limited to the preparedness of the auditee and the size of feedlot.

QA Officers required at the feedlot

Feedlots must have a specific number of QA Officers at the feedlot. The number required is related to the size of the feedlot and is shown below.

Feedlot Size Up to 1000 Head 1,001 to 10,000 Head 10,001 to 30,000 Head Over 30,000 Head
Minimum QA Officers Required 1 Person 2 Persons 3 Persons 4 Persons

Who Is Accredited In NFAS?

Head to the Links & Tools page to find the Accreditation Search.

For more information please contact NFAS administration on 1800 621 903.

NFAS Changes 2021

Details of changes to the NFAS Program that have come into effect in August of 2021 can be viewed here 

For more information please contact NFAS administration on


Current NFAS Advice Notices and Circulars










